Welcome to my review: (The Original) Craft Beer Club
It's been an adjustment going from the craft beer scene of the Pacific Northwest where there is ample access to the best breweries in the country, to the growing, but much smaller Boise scene. I found myself searching for ways to bring a little more beer variety to the area craft beer subscription boxes seemed to be the obvious answer. After a bunch of research the club that seemed to have the best reviews and the best deal financially was: The Original Craft Beer Club

The craft beer club sends craft beers from around the country to your doorstep. Each delivery comes with 12 beers total; 4 different styles from two different featured breweries, 3 of each. You can sign up and pay for 1 to 12 deliveries or "ongoing until I cancel" and you can choose to have them delivered monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. Each shipment is $39 plus tax....that includes shipping! Depending on what subscription you choose, there are some free gifts included. If you sign up for 3 deliveries it comes with a free opener. If you sign up for 6 months you get the opener and a set of tasting glasses. If you sign up for 12 months you get the opener, tasting glasses, and $25 off your order. I signed up for ongoing shipments until I choose to stop and am having them delivered bi-monthly (the "ongoing" option also includes the opener and tasting glasses but if you cancel before 3 shipments you will have to pay for those gifts, FYI). I started off bi-monthly just to see what it was all about but I can honestly say that after just 2 deliveries, I'll be switching to monthly soon.

The above pictures are pictures of the free gifts that came with my first delivery. The tasting glasses are awesome and great for bottle shares. The bottle opener looks basic but it's much heavier than it looks and is very sturdy. Worth the money. The two packages I've received so far, shown below, both came to my door on time and with no damage or issues. One package was filled with 12 bottles and one with 12 cans, both were secured tightly in crates

My first order featured Franconia Brewing from McKinney, TX and Cisco Brewing from Nantucket Island, MA. My second order featured Red Brick Brewing from Atlanta, GA and Foolproof Brewing from Pawtucket, RI. I was pleasantly surprised with both order and all four breweries. I had not heard of any of them before would not have been able to get my hands on them without being in their respective cities. A huge bonus that I didn't know was going to be included is the information page for each brewery that comes with the order. As you can see in the picture above each order comes with a nice laminated double sided print out for each brewery featured that month; it gives information on the brewery itself, each beer included, and something fun like a recipe that goes well with each brew.
The packaging, extras, and price are great but my biggest fear when signing up was that I'd be signing up for imitation craft beer. Now I'll be honest, the beers I've had so far aren't up to par with some of the top dogs like Stone, Lagunitas, and Dogfish Head; however, I've been happier than I'd thought I'd be with what I've received so far. Each brewery featured in my subscription boxes are legit craft breweries trying to pave their way in the industry and there hasn't been a beer that I haven't enjoyed, a couple have been quite a bit above average. I was also worried about getting 3 of each beer and not being able to drink them all myself, hoarding them in my closet to be thrown out next time I donate some clothes. So far it hasn't been an issue, I've actually found it to be a great way to get these breweries some more exposure in the area by sharing them with friends or giving them as gifts.
Bottom line, would I recommend? Yes!! Craft Beer Club provides a great beer service and gives everyone an opportunity to expand their craft beer experience wherever they are in the nation and does so at a fair price. Not to mention they're helping craft breweries expand their passion and move the industry forward. You can order from them confidently and not have to worry about sketchy packaging or getting undercover "bud light" in the mail. Give it a try, cheers!